Friday, February 1, 2013

January Recap

This first month have been full of successes and failures.  This is the neurotic part of me where you see me begin to rationalize for all my short-comings and give myself partial credit.  I'm like a high school math exam.  Show the work and get some credit even if you get the answer wrong.  So I accomplished 8.25 out of 10.  That's not even an Asian F.  I'm such a failure.  

1. Gym 10 times: It pains me to say that I did not meet this goal.  I only went nine times this month.  In my defense, it wasn't like I was just being lazy, sitting around being fat.  I was actually active a lot this month.  I guess I didn't take into account that I would also have to tackle volleyball practices and hiking.  So if you think about it, I ran/hiked five times this month and also had five volleyball practices in which I was more active than usual because I played at a moderate level.  This means I was active 19 days out of the month - out of 31 days.  I'm going to give myself half a point for this. 

2. Make Coffee Every Odd Day: So I decided that since January has 18 odd days, the goal should really be changed to make coffee 18 days out of the month.  I came to this realization one day when I ended up going to Starbucks on a Wednesday because I thought Wednesday sounded like an even number.  Don't ask me how I came to that conclusion, it was really early when that happened.  Regardless, I did well.  Thanks to only using my credit card for Starbucks transactions, I was able to see that I only went to Starbucks 7 times this month spending a total of $33.55!  Such a major improvement than the 3 digits I used to spend.  However, the goal was for odd days, so I'll give myself 3/4th of a point for this goal.

3. Sunday Funday (2x) Max: Done - It's such a shame each goal is only worth a point. I feel like the harder the goal to accomplish, the more points I should get - or at least even some extra credit...

4. Do NOT roll your eyes: This may be suspect.  I know I didn't consciously roll my eyes.  My friend Samantha said it best, me trying to not roll my eyes is like her trying not to eat.  We've been trying since college.  Although, I will admit, I haven't consciously done it, so I can only imagine that bitch face must have been in full force whenever I felt like rolling my eyes.

5. Runyon Canyon 5 times - Done, well only 4, but I did a much harder, nicer, Santa Barbara hike to make it five.  Sometimes a change of scenery is important.

6. Nala and Boo look skinner.  Mostly because I'm starving them.  I'm feeding them half each day of what I normally feed them.  They're not too happy about this, but I also won't be too happy about it if they end up getting diabetes.  I'm proud to say I think they lost a combined 1 pound.  

7. I'm now always smiling and saying "hi" at bars.  There might not be anything more than a "hi" from my part, but at least I'm not simply ignoring people or giving that "what the hell makes you think you should even be breathing the same air as me" look.  Hopefully this carries into February.

8. Cooked a new dish even though some rude friends of mine thought it was more of a side dish than an main course...#whatever #jealous #haters

9. Go snowboarding - FAIL

10. I still have a roommate and he doesn't live in Oakland!

I can't wait to see what February goals bring...

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