Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Goal #5 Down

Now I know the goal was to hike Runyon Canyon five times this month, but I thought it was be nice to change things up a little bit so yesterday, I found a partner in crime to run away to Santa Barbara with for a hike and then a good deal of alcohol, but that's not the point.  Although, I can recommend a great place by the pier for a mean Mai Thai and some wineries in Los Olivos.  

Hiking the Cold Springs Trail in Montecito was beautiful (Oprah has a house there).  It was also kind of real.  We rolled up in cute coats, skinny jeans, and shoes and quickly realized that a change would be in order.  I guess Santa Barbara isn't Runyon where you wear the smallest tank top you can possibly find coupled with the shortest shorts possible, sneakers that are not meant for a hike and D&G shades.  We had to change into sweatshirts, shorts, and sneakers to survive the trail, dirt, mud, rocks, and streams.  We even came across big dogs (not little bitch dogs that people take to Runyon).  The hike was allegedly 1.8 miles round trip.  I think I may have read it wrong and I confused round trip for one way.  I'm not an avid hiker, but I can guarantee it shouldn't take 1.5 hours to hike 1.8 miles.  At one point, we crossed paths with a wolf like looking K-9 and I thought it was lost or maybe it was an illusion where I thought I saw a dog, but it was a spirit that was to represent my Native American animal - it was a long hike and I started getting hot, so I could have been seeing things.  Let me tell you though, the top of the trail overlooking the city of Santa Barbara is well worth it.  I would definitely do this again, there's apparently an Inspirational hike that's 6.8 miles.  I'm tempted to see if the trail would end with the food of the Gods and me finding a higher calling while drinking purified water from the stream. 

The hiking goal is something I decided to do to lead into February goals.  I figured since I'm running a 10K in February that involves some incline, this would be good training for my legs! 

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