Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goal: achievement toward which effort is directed

Jacob Palmer from "Crazy, Stupid, Love" said "Be the best possible version of yourself and do not settle."  It's the third day of the new year and while everyone is trying to hold on to what they have left of their resolutions, I decided to tackle on goal setting.  You see, the difference is that goals are meant to be accomplished whereas resolutions are meant to be...well...un-resloved.  Who wants to really start their first quarter off failing? 

I noticed things were going terribly wrong when I left the house with my roommate on New Year's Day and I actually went out in public looking like I'm already spoken for.  As a single man living in probably the most vapid city in the world, I have no right rolling around with unkempt hair, an over-sized sweatshirt, and last night's jeans that were drenched in alcohol spilled on you at Rage.  All this while having not taken a shower.  Needless to say, I looked like my idol Ke$ha or at least Britney circa 2006.  

It is now time for a change.  You get to sit along and laugh at me as you see me post 10 goals in the beginning of each month and then write about what it was like to accomplish or not quite accomplish each one as the month goes on.

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