Friday, January 4, 2013

January Goal # 8: Achieved!

Stereotypes exist for a reason, like the one where Asians are overachievers.  I perpetuated this when I went to achieve goal number 8 for January the same night I set these goals.  Now I can't take all the credit.  It just kind of happened.  I didn't even have plans to cook yesterday night.  My roommate was having a dinner date over and asked if I wanted to help him cook.  Normally, that would sound like hell for me since the kitchen and I don't usually get along, but for selfish reasons (January Goal #10), I was happy to be sous chef.  I figured if I wouldn't be able to bombard him with job postings to keep him from moving to Oakland, maybe, just maybe whipping up a nice dinner to help with his love life might do the trick.  The two bottles of red wine would help too.  It was like all the stars aligned and said "John, this is your chance to knock off one goal and perhaps cross out another one."

I didn't have much to work with since he was making the chicken and left me in charge with the red and green peppers.  Thanks to Google Chrome, I typed in "roasted peppers" and this recipe came into play (Roasted Peppers in Olive Oil).  The cheese was just something I added because I'm a fatty...As you can tell, the cheese is not necessary, I did a half and half thing.

To add cheese, just melt it inside the peppers and then throw bread crumbs (or shake n bake) if you're ghetto like me.

This whole goal took about 15 minutes to accomplish and it didn't even taste half bad...

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