Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mid Month Status

So here's the skinny on how my goals are progressing as well as my bachelor fantasy league.  What can I say, I'm Asian and a nerd, so I love progress reports...

1. Gym 10 times:  Now I know 10 seems like an easy number and it also seems as if I'll be underachieving as well even if I went 10 times.  I'm not one of those people who had bad relationships with the gym.  I'm all about working out (mainly for cosmetic reasons aka: toning and staying thin, the whole staying healthy thing is just a cherry on top).  The gym is gay church and the ab machine is our god.  Actually, The Abbey is gay church, but we all know what I mean.  I only started with 10 because I haven't gone in so long that I thought I would ease my way into it again.  I once went to the gym 23 times in one month.  It was easier back then, I was a full time graduate student, so my only job was to do school work, work on my dissertation, coach volleyball for 2 hours, and work out.  I was so slim fit that month, it was amazing.

I rejoined the 24 Hour Fitness now that I don't work on campus anymore.  Let me tell you something, the 24 Hour Fitness in Hollywood is another world.  Everyone looks good.  It's almost kind of distracting.  I noticed my workouts took longer than usual because I was just starring at people all the time.  I actually needed to step my game up with the way I dress to the gym.  I look more put together at the gym than at work.  I guess I know where my priorities are at.  Can I really just go to the gym with a cotton t-shirt and old sneakers when everyone else looks like they walked out of the LuLuLemon catalog?  Probably not, because the only place that has more judgement than the Abbey on Sunday Funday would be the gym. 

Alas, at the midway point of the month, I have now gone six times.  This also doesn't include volleyball practices that I have to go to, but for the sake of actually working out and lifting weights, we won't include those.  Over and under on accomplishing this goal?  I would bet on me...

2. Make coffee every odd day: So I was doing really well with this goal until I went to Starbucks yesterday.  I think I was so tired that for some reason, I didn't realize Wednesday was the number 3.  Wednesday sounds kind of even doesn't it?  Regardless, I rationalized it by telling myself it was okay because it was the only day this week that I went to Starbucks.  So maybe instead of saying every odd day, I should just change it to make coffee four times a week.  I'm already beginning to notice the extra money in my wallet.  I received my credit card year end summary - those are always scary because you realized that you someone spend more than your annual salary and you're just left wondering if you really are better than the rest of the general public.  I moved to Hollywood July 1st.  In the six months that I have been living there, I spent $268.43 at my neighborhood Starbucks.  That's almost $45 a month.  This is just with my credit card and in six months.  I don't even want to think about what it would look like if I kept a record of my cash expenses and looked at it from an annual standpoint.  However, progress is on the horizon.  So far, I only spent $13.15 this year.  Perhaps the most alarming thing isn't that I have a coffee addiction or am too lazy to make my own coffee in the morning.  There was a much bigger concern that came in on my annual statement.  Apparently, I have a drinking problem at the Abbey because in 2012, I ended up charging $1,736.21!  Drinks average about $14 there, so assuming that framework, I have about 2.4 drinks a week there on an annual basis.  Again, this does not include cash...No wonder I have to coach girls' high school volleyball in the fall and boys' club volleyball in the winter/spring.  It's totally drinking money...and just drinking money at the Abbey.  I'm afraid to look at Rage, Fiesta, and Mickeys...

3.  Sunday Fundays 2x Max: Done: Goal #3

4. Do Not Roll Your Eyes:  Remember this post? Well, I'm still up to the same old tricks, except one day I kept blinking and shutting my eyes so much, my contact got lost up in my left eye.  Yeahhhhhh, maybe it's time to find a new way to not roll my eyes anymore.

5. Runyon 5x: I've gone twice so far.  I'm not too worried about this one.  It'll happen.

6. Nala and Boo need to lose 1lb: So now that I only feed my animals half of what I usually feed them, they do look skinner, except they are mean.  Nala is constantly trying to attack me now.  Is this what being overweight and hungry feels like?  You're just angry all the time when you're not eating?  Doesn't she understand that I'm trying to save her life?  She's like this 18lbs cat when she should really only be about 13lbs.  This just goes to show I shouldn't have children anytime soon.  I would end up fattening my kids and giving them a life time of medical issues because I don't know how to feed them correctly.  Not to mention the therapy bills that will stack up when I keep calling them "fat."

7. See number 4. Although recently, some old daddy gave me this look at Trunks and blew like a kiss.  I tried really hard not to throw up with smiling back.  I only did that because of this:  See number 7.  Sure, they didn't chain themselves to the white house like the women's movement, but they do have a body of knowledge that I never will...

8. Done: First goal to be accomplished this month.

9. Go Snowboarding: Hmm, I'm still working on this as it's difficult to coordinate with people.  My only other option would be to go snowboarding by myself.  And I'm not that much of a loser.

10. Done, Done, and Done.  He's staying put and now we have a fantasy bachelor league (see picture).  Loser buys the winner dinner at a classy restaurant.  I think the Cheesecake Factory is classy, so that's not really saying much...

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