Saturday, February 23, 2013

Malibu. By way of Chicago...

There's something very Bonnie and Clyde about drinking all day on a week day when you actually have a job.  Last month, a friend and I ran away to Santa Barbara for the day and had a great time hiking, drinking, and eating the day away on some random Tuesday and I thought to myself, this would need to happen again!

I think the most fun part besides drinking excessive amounts of wine is the fact that you can do just about anything you want without having to deal with traffic, crowds, and just having the ability to maximize your day.  In order to have a day trip, you only need two things: a car and a partner in crime who has a non-traditional work schedule or is just willing to plan a mental health day. 

Unlike the Santa Barbara getaway, this one did not involve a hike.  There were good intentions to go to the gym beforehand but I overslept and so did my counterpart.  Why I thought I wanted to wake up early on my day off is beyond me.  So off to Malibu we went to begin our day!  The great thing about Malibu is that it's such an easy commute to get to and the drive is lovely, but you end up forgetting you're in LA.  Then again, is Malibu really LA? 

Lunch was at Malibu Cafe.  Quaint little place that happens to be next to a fat camp.  No seriously, it's right next to the Biggest Loser Resort.  I've personally never seen the show, but it basically looked like rehab for overweight people.  You're essentially in paradise.  Ever wonder why rehab facilities are located in amazing places?  It's like you're being rewarded for hitting rock bottom.  After taking some pictures, we went to the restaurant where we were greeted by a girl who really seemed to have hated life at the moment.  The place is cute with outdoor seating, great scenery, ping pong table, pool table, and foosball table.  What a great way to kill time while waiting for your food that's being cooked by your waiter/bartender/cook.  Literally, he was a one-man show.  I thought he was just kidding when he said that until I saw him make our drinks and then fire up our food.  Then again, I ordered a boughy lobster sandwich, so maybe it wasn't that hard to prepare.

Next up - wine tasting...or shall I say wine drinking at Malibu Wines.  Since it was a Thursday, I found the crowd to be very interesting.  There were literally six of us at this entire place.  These two groups of two ladies were just drinking like they didn't have a care in the world.  I was kind of interested in knowing what it was they did.  They were too young to be trophy wives, so I guess the next logical choice would have been strippers.  Hell, if I was a stripper, I would drink all morning as well.  It's probably one of the only jobs where you can actually show up drunk and not get fired.  In fact, it's probably in your advantage to be drunk.

So I'm super competitive.  I mean, not like Tanya Harding competitive, but I like to win in everything.  My motto is why bother if you're not going to compete to win.  It's like people who say "I like to play for fun."  There's nothing fun about losing.  I will take out a five year old kid if I needed to.  So naturally when we play mini-golf, something as to be at stake.  We played for bottom-less mimosas.  I lost by three strokes and I had one of the best mini-golf days ever.  Then I remembered my competition grew up in Indiana and I'm sure there was really nothing to do there besides putt putt golf and bowling.  Then again, when you play for alcohol, is there really a loser in the situation?

The night ended with a dinner at Brangelina's favorite Mexican restaurant in Studio City: Casa Vega.  Honestly, I wanted to go there in hopes that there would be a sighting.  I used to live in the valley.  Like for about four years and would drive by the restaurant every day and that was the first time ever setting foot in the place.  The wait was half and hour, but the food was worth it.  Oh, and their margaritas come in pint glasses.  At some point of the night we started having a conversation with the waiter and an entire story about how we're visiting from Chicago was fabricated.  I'm not even sure why, but we found out that the waiter has a cousin who works for Goya which I'm assuming is based in Chicago.  As Jamie Foxx would say, I blame it on the alcohol.  

Pretty impressive day I would say.  I dare anyone to try to recreate this day on a weekend.  You would never make it out of Malibu with the traffic alone!

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