Monday, February 18, 2013

Why did I give up carbonated beverages?!?

Hi my name is John and I'm an addict.  My addition being diet soda.  Originally when I posted this goal, I only wanted to give up diet coke/diet pepsi, but a couple people have pointed out to me that this really includes all carbonated drinks.  Which also includes sugar free redbull!  The challenge for me is not drinking these substances on its own...the challenge is that I tend to like to use these as mixers.  I also don't drink full flavor carbonated drinks, so it's not like that would even be a viable substitute.  I did this in order to be healthy for a month, but I realized that now all I drink are Arnold Palmer's.  I'm not really sure that's any healthier since I feel like I'm going to have a diabetic coma at any point from all the sugar.

I had to find a substitute for mixers.  I love vodka sodas and vodka redbulls.  I love it more than most things in life.  So for the past month, my alcoholism has been reduced to beer and wine or worse as I was to find out last Tuesday at the Ellie Goulding concert - cranberry vodkas.  I had the same amount I would normally drink on a given night - 7 or 8, but this time I found myself drunker than ever.  I'm pretty sure people were afraid of me when stumbling down Hollywood Blvd to go home.  Even the homeless folks left me alone that night.  Turns out the mixture of vodka and all that cranberry which I really only think is .5% cranberry and 95.5% everything else caused me to hug my toilet for a good 10 minutes (it could have been more - this is just a guestimate) when I got home that night.  I also woke up drunk and remembered that I had to go to happy hour before the Clippers/Rockets game and all I thought was FML.  Funny how I'm more worried about a basketball game than the fact that I actually had to go to work.

Hugging a toilet because of ODing on sugary alcoholic drinks is not new to me.  I've done this before like 10 years ago.  Ask anymore who knew me junior year of college and they will tell you I was addicted to two things: Pepsi Blue and Dekuyper Sour Apple Pucker.  I would drink these by the bottle and then just stick a finger down my throat afterwards.  You see at that time, I was also supporting my friends who had eating disorders.  They threw up food, I threw up alcohol.  Talk about solidarity!  I always thought of myself as a good friend who would try to find way to support their endeavors.

Needless to say, I haven't had carbonated beverages in 18 days and I cannot wait until the first of March.  This is a goal that I do not plan on repeating in March or the rest of the year.

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