Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Feb. Goal 2: X-Mas Decos Down and so went the 49ers

I probably had the most productive Superbowl Sunday in the history of man-kind.  I decided this year to not celebrate the big game.  This was a conscious decision that I'm sure my liver will thank me for in the future considering I drank heavily the Friday and Saturday before.  Plus with the late season collapse of the Giants, I really did not need to pay attention to the game.  While everyone was probably out drinking and rooting on for a team they couldn't give two cow dongs about, I sat at home and packed away the Christmas decorations that have been up for over two months.  I would love to say that I felt the Christmas spirit all the way until February, but it really just comes down to sheer laziness.  I also cleaned my apartment and took care of the pets that aren't mine: housewife points for me!  And as you can see, the animals are now in their rightful place.  Don't ask where they were held while the decos were up, I don't want Sarah McLachlan to get word of this and then have Nala and Boo cast in some commercial with depressing music playing in the background. 

I sat through Beyonce's performance and all I can think of was how I already saw this performance multiple times in the past.  Now I know there were rumors that a reunion would happen, but I didn't think it would because I wasn't sure Beyonce would let the other two breathe the same air as her, much less share a stage!  How nice of her though to let Kelly and Michelle sing back up to one of her songs and then blow a kiss to them good-bye!  I can't even go there.  Quite frankly, it's not really a reunion unless LaTonya, LaTavia, and Farrah all come back.  Isn't it already bad enough that she's so into herself that she would clone herself 100 times just so she doesn't have any back up dancers?  My friend Joseph seems to think Beyonce was doing Kelly and Michelle a favor by letting them be on stage with her.  We got into an argument at the In-N-Out drive though while waiting for our dinner tonight and we even got the order person on the curb involved.  She was probably thinking to herself "I don't get paid enough to deal with this crap."  Well too bad, we all know In-N-Out pay better than most fast food places.  He also tried to sabotage me by ordering diet coke and kept scheming to switch my Arnold Palmer when I wasn't looking or if I looked thirsty.  He be triflin'!  That's a different story for a different goal.   

Don't get me wrong though, I happen to love Destiny's Child.  I even went to their concerts (with Sue: bottom left).  They were around for my golden years in college and a part of me goes ultra sonic when it was summer at the Beach Bar or that other bar in Watermill (I think) where we went dancing and all of a sudden, you hear "Ladies leave your man at home" and I completely lose my shit.  Carla reminded me of that fact while we were on the phone during my lunch break.  I'm sure she may have seen it happen once or twice.  I mean, DC has taught me so much, like how I shouldn't deal with people that won't pay their bills, or how they be a buggin' buggaboo, and all those times Samantha and I did "Say My Name" for karaoke.  Oh nostalgia.  My friend Kaitie (see below middle) even sent a text about the good times of college when she saw DC reunite, so I guess maybe I do need to thank Beyonce after all for having that mini reunion.  That group, along with many others; namely *NSync really just makes me think of the good old days of college :)

*Disclaimer: I do not drink Bud Light anymore, although considering this was back in college and that I wasn't holding a Keystone Light or a Milwaukee's Best, Bud Light is kind of boughy!  Oh and I'm totally not drunk, just tired.  Considering I had my volleyball sweatshirt on, I most likely just got back from practice or a game.

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