Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb. Goal #10: Enter Nemo

(Oh, you can't read that, yeah, neither can I)

Some of my friends who saw goal #10 for this month were suspect.  "Go home for Chinese New Year."  Okay, so I cheated a little bit and actually bought my ticket home in January.  At the time, I really just wanted a "gimme."  Well that and I had other goals in mind but thought that since it was February, I should really not stretch myself too thin.  I'm only human and I can't accomplish everything I set forth to do.  In my defense, even though it was a "gimme" goal, I don't like to count my chickens before they hatch.  I was all like "until my ass lands at JFK and I have red envelopes handed to me by my mother on the 10th" it is not a gimme.

I was working out on Thursday, the day before I was to fly out.  I was working out for multiple reasons: (1) goal #1, (2) I had dinner plans at the Cheesecake factory that night - don't judge me!  Where else can you pay like $10 for a sandwich and still have enough left over for lunch the next day?  And (3) I figured when I'm home, I won't have gym time for a while.  During all this was news coverage on Snowstorm Nemo...I know, they started naming snowstorms all of a sudden.  Hurricanes must feel like they had a part of their identity taken away from them.  And why Nemo?  Last I checked, Nemo was a tropical fish, there is nothing tropical about 30" of snow.  All I kept thinking about while being on that weird stride cardio machine thing was that my flight will not be canceled.  Well, my prayers weren't answer and I think this was due to the fact that I hoped for something else recently and that was given to me so I can't be too selfish about things.  The ordeal that followed really felt like awful cosmic karma for putting down a goal that I shouldn't have used.

I called American Express to see what I can do about my canceled flight.  That was when I found out that your wait time is contingent on the card you have.  I never knew I could have a gold card and still feel like a second class citizen!  I'd hate to see what green, zync, or blue feels like.  I guess it pays to be platinum or black.  In fact I think if you have a black card, they probably call you when a flight is canceled and make all the necessary arrangements.  They told me that I can either re-book for free if I fly out on the 12th (stupid nonsensical date) or I can have a credit that I must use in one year with Virgin America.  I usually fly United, but at the time, Virgin America was cheaper and had the better flight times for me.  Obviously, I was ticked off by my options.  Why would I need to fly out on the 12th and why would my credit expire after a year?  It's not my fault there's a snowstorm.  So I hung out and called Virgin America.  Let's put it this way, I completed my workout during my time on hold.  I had to workout to elevator musak! I'm going to give myself a pat in the back because I never knew I had that much patience.  I guess if you were to look at the glass half full, at least I just wasn't sitting around waiting for someone to pick up.  You try lifting to elevator musak.  Awful, I never felt less pumped in my life.  Usually i think I can do things like lift twice my weight if Ke$ha (yes, I'm aware my gym music is also my club music which is also pre-gaming music and well also my bedroom music - I find it easiest to just have one playlist) was blasting in the background, but on that day, I felt like I was struggling with 40lbs.

After a nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in which cheesecake was not ordered - this always happens, you eat the bread and your meal and there's never room for cheesecake.  I'm also not a fat girl, so it was either bread and main course or bread and cheesecake.  You can't have all three in one sitting.  There is no amount of gym time that can help reverse the effects of over eating.  On my drive home, I called Virgin America and finally got through.  Patience is a virtue.  I was able to switch my flight at no cost and will now make it home for President's day weekend.  Quite frankly, I think it's the better deal.  I get to fly a red eye on Valentine's day so I can be surrounded by other single people who just can't give a damn about a Hallmark Holiday and I get an extra day to be home.  Plus, I'm not all that worried because my sister is collecting red envelopes for me.  So the lesson of the day...there is no such thing as a "gimme." 

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