Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb. Goal #9: Caught Red Handed

It was kind of ambitious of me to try this goal for two consecutive months.  I thought that maybe if I could do it for one, it would carry over to the second month and before you know it, I would stop rolling my eyes. The achievement of this goal in January was always questionable at best.  Carla (a dear friend who can apparently tell when I'm rolling my eyes over the phone) till this day still does not believe that I didn't roll my eyes all of January.  I would have never imagined that I would get caught doing it by someone I just met.

This past Monday, I ran into some of my old co-workers at the cafeteria down in my building and I met the new guy who replaced me.  The following day, I stopped by to pay them a visit at their office as it was on the way to the dentist and I had two hours to kill.  Amber, my ex-work spouse mentioned to me that the new guy decorated his work area and he's only been there for a week.  It took me six months to "decorate" my work space and by "decorate," it really meant Amber putting stuff on my desk and counter.  Personally, I don't decorate work areas, it's just easier that way.  When I left my job, I basically said "peace."  There was no need to clean or throw stuff away, no need to carry boxes full of crap to my car.  It was simple and such a liberating feeling to be so nomadic.  I could just pick up an leave whenever I wanted or well if I were to ever be asked to leave.  I've seen people get fired before.  It's never fun.  Back at an old place of employment in New York, whenever someone was about to get fired, we all had to go to breakfast, lunch, coffee, whatever it was while HR and the supervisor doing the firing would tell that person and they would have an hour to clean while security was watching them pack before escorting them out of the building.  Sorry, I digressed.  So when I looked over at the new guy's workspace and saw that it was fully decorated with posters, pictures, and other things that seem to have meaning, I just said to him "aww, how cute" and then turned to Amber and said "even thought you don't know how long you're really going to be here."  That was when I got caught!  He then said, "why did you say that to me and then turned to her and rolled your eyes?"  Man, I got called out and I only knew the guy all of maybe 25 minutes. 

At that point, I was pissed because it was a failure in a goal, but I also felt liberated.  I did not need to watch what I was doing anymore!  I had a meeting yesterday where some chick just kept talking about her needs even though this was a pretty broad meeting that was meant to talk about updates in policies in general.  Five minutes of her throwing a pity party for herself, I literally just rolled my eyes and let out a loud SIGH...This isn't something new for me, I've done this in many meetings.  I feel like the eye roll really just does wonders.  It's the best body language you can give someone.  It sends a message loud and clear.  That message being "You're an A$$hole."  Just think about it, when you're in a meeting and someone is saying something that is wasting your time or throwing out BS or trying to pass their work off to you or someone else or make statements that seem like they're "do as I say, not as I do," or is completely unprepared for a meeting, or scheduling meetings to have meetings, or tell you how busy they are when they're clearly not, etc, etc...What better way than an eye roll to really send a message?  Quite frankly, when I'm in one or all of the situations I described above, I just roll my eyes because I don't even care enough to waste my breath with a response. 

Cheers to eye rolling!

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