Wednesday, July 3, 2013

June Recap

This has nothing to do with my goals, I just happen to like this Bachelorette pic when I Googled "June Recap."

I know, it's a little later than my usual recap, but it's been a whirlwind of a past couple days.  However, I do get to work from home today for the July 4th weekend, so I figured in between checking e-mails and well really, just checking e-mails, I can recap what seemed like a successful June. 

Goal #1: Work out 12 days - these are always the hardest to succeed, there's something about 12 our of 30 that just seems so daunting, but I did it!  Exactly 12 with a mixture of all things (5 gym days, 5 hiking days, and 2 yoga days!).  Full credit for me over here! (1)

Goal #2 and #3:  If you haven't seen these postings yet, please do so as they show my undying love for Samantha. They can be found here and here. (2)

Goal #4: It's been a month since Kim left me at the office.  I think I'm doing better, but I also haven't really been working a lot since, so I think I'm self-medicating by not working.  That's my way of coping with the issue. (1)

Goal #5: Update: So she did do Blow!  We just thought that since the concert started at 7:30 and she had two opening acts, that it would be safe to leave my apartment at 8pm for the 10 minute walk over, WRONG!  We missed the first four songs.  Well, that's what happens when you pre-party like crazy at the apartment.  White girl wasted...check!  (1)

Goal #6: So I didn't skateboard on the beach, but I did skateboard in the park.  That deserves half credit right?  I mean, I did the verb, it was just that the noun was different... (.5)

Goal #7: Save $300.  Okay, so I know you're all like it's just $300, why would that be difficult?  Well it was!  I was only able to save $100 this month, but I'm not even sure I really did because I had to spend $1,200 on my brother's bachelor party in Vegas next month.  I'm going to give myself credit for this one because I'm spending on family and sacrificing my own financial happiness. (.5)

Goal #8: Umm, so I try to stay true to being a New Yorker.  I do this by using public transportation do go to work.  The only thing is that in LA, only weird people take the metro.  It's not like NY, where it's used by the masses, these people look like they don't have cars.  Plus, it's just kind of annoying when I think about how I can be in my own space and not deal with people all the time just by driving in.  There was once this crazy bird couple that had a parrot on his shoulder and it just kept shitting on the back of his shirt.  Yup, and that's only the least of the crazies I see.  Regardless, I do this so I can also save money on parking.  My job charges us to park for work and we're talking over $90 a month!  Crazy right?!?  So the metro makes even more sense, since a monthly pass is $45 and no gas is involved.  However, when I do drive in, I just pay to park at the meters which is $4 max, I usually don't end up paying that.  So this is why I shot for five times, so even if I drove in five times at $4 a day, that would be $20 a month and it would still only cost me $65 to commute to work.  However, I drove in 11 times in June!  Oddly enough, that's still $44 + $45 which equals $89.  I guess that's that magic number.  Do not drive in more than 11 times so still pay less than monthly parking at my job.  I'll deduct a tenth of a point for each day that I went over five. (.4)

Goal #9: Inspire and be inspired.  I'm not sure I can prove that I did this, but I'm sure I did this. (1)

Goal #10: So, I managed to touch the PCH and be on it when I went to visit Nikki and Kim.  Shut up!  That totally counts. (1)

So I know I only scored an 8.4 out of 10 for this month, but at least I don't have any zeros.  I actually made an attempt to try to accomplish and touch each and every one of the June goals. 

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