Monday, June 24, 2013

This is the true story...

The Real World: Foo & Jew Style
Samantha and I used to be obsessed with The Real World.  For those of you who don't know what it is, MTV puts seven random strangers together, usually with various backgrounds in race, gender, geography, and sexual orientation.  This combined with an unlimited supply of alcohol and hotness makes for a train wreck waiting to happen.  However, we were more into the old school Real maybe up until Seattle where the people were just average looking and had real jobs other than being on a fast track to rehab.

Sam and I met in college through one of my suite-mates.  I think she was taking chemistry with the Crotian guy who we will call Pedro (it's not his actual name, it was just easier to pronounce).  He once said he could have Sam whenever he wanted.  I went and told her and at that point, a friendship was formed.  We bonded more along the way such as having Pedro drive us both home during Thanksgiving break, me being able to call her fat so she would stop eating, our love for the Roosevelt Fields mall, daily Starbucks runs...the list goes on...Then we graduate from college and we ended up living in the city together (New York City - but of course it goes without saying.  What other city is there?).  We would still see each other a couple times a week, one of them being OC night of course.  Needless to say, we were really sad when that show ended.  Then she moved to DC for graduate school and whenever I needed an excuse to go to DC and get a random tattoo, I could always count on that bitch!  Even when I moved to LA, we would always meet back up in NY together.  So of course, it's only natural that she would be able to penetrate my black heart by telling me she's moving to Israel for good and shattering it into a million soulless pieces.  

So for Samantha's good-bye, I made her a video that was like a confessional where I publicly humiliate her with the top 10 moments of our marriage together that can be seen here

This is for the times we never made the audition video and now we're too old for Real World.  Sadness.

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