Monday, June 10, 2013

Life after Kim

Don't let the faces of children fool you.  They are EVIL!

I've been depressed at work all last week.  So much so, I think I only put in 10 hours at my desk because I couldn't handle not her not sitting in front of me and us talking for the other 30 hours of the work week.  I went around to all the empty cubes and sat in all of them to see if I can find a new home where I won't have to keep mourning the exit of a beloved colleague where a temp now sits!  She left for a better job, so I can't really blame her.

I paid Kim a visit yesterday down in Hermosa Beach and we hung out by the pool of my friend Nikki's apartment complex.  There was a kid's birthday party going on at the same time.  I love children and think they're precious, but there is nothing worse than having children around when you don't want them around.  The three of us were minding our own business drinking beers by the hot tub when two bratty girls with squirt guns (they actually looked like needles and had a pink tip that looked like the head of a penis) and they started squirting towards us.  Now even though we had bathing suits on, only our feet were in the hot tub and we were not looking to get wet, especially not with hot tub water.  The squirting starting off innocent until the girls started pointing that thing up and well, you can imagine what the squirts looked like.  Then it got even worse when they were like "let's shoot it on our faces."  Or "eww, it went in my mouth."

This was the closest picture of what the gun looked like. 
They were also sassy little girls as they squirted us as well.  We were like the old people that had to politely ask them to stop.  Personally I was wondering where their parents were so I could punch them in the face for raising brats, but whatevs.  I take comfort in knowing that these girls might just turn into whores one day.  They got hot tub water into our beers and were all like "it's probably better that way anyways."  I wanted to tell them, "tell me that in 10 years bitch!"  They also didn't believe us when we told them we were drinking apple juice out of clear dixie cups.  "No, it's beer!"  Jesus, I can't even relax on a Sunday by the pool.  When I was a kid, I definitely didn't talk to strangers, clearly these girls are on the waiting list for their shot at an Amber alert!

We're classy people, so it's only classy of us to have lunch from a burger joint that inside of a liquor store.  We also needed more beers.  Don't be fooled though, these burgers and truffle fries were amazing.  It was at this place called The Standing Room.  I highly recommend it.

So life after Kim really just means heading down to the South Bay every so often and gossiping about our personal lives and maybe whoever we feel like talking about from her office past.  Maybe, just maybe I'll be more productive at work or I can just start gossiping with the Korean girls.  

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