Friday, July 12, 2013

Wax on, Wax off

That's the hood of my car.  I know, this picture doesn't even do it justice...
 I had the morning off of work today, so I went shopping for some new bathing suits in Old Pasadena.  I haven't been there in a while, and they have these cute new signs up.  Sorry, I digressed.  So I went to park my car at the free 90 minute public parking because they also have a Go Green Auto Spa.  I pulled up and the guys looked at my car in terror.  It was so bad, they told me they needed two hours to wash it a couple times and then do the detail after.  I didn't have two hours.  I knew what I wanted to buy, so I really in essence needed an hour tops to shop.  So given the horror on their faces, I decided to just go to a gas station car wash to at least get the first layer of dirt off before I bring it back to a car wash place. 

I headed to my office after and on my way down, I remembered that there's a car wash by my work: Downtown Car Wash.  I wanted just a simple wash, but the guy talked me into a great deal.  He asked if I wanted to detail my car for $89.99.  I guess they were doing a special since detailing is close to $150.  I asked what it entailed and on top of the soft cloth hand wash, there's buffing, waxing, carpet shampooing, interior cleaning, rimming (okay, they just clean my rims, but I wanted to using that word), and a host of other stuff.  I figured why not?  I don't ever detail my car, and this would be a nice treat for it. 

After!  What a Difference?  I didn't even show you the inside where it's spotless.
They told me 45 minutes and during that time, I went to Target to pick up some household supplies and some family planning amenities.  The check out person kind of giggled.  Whatever, we all have sex.  Get over it, but i think it was more about the fact that I just had random purchases.  In addition to raiding the family planning aisle, I bought carpet cleaner, shaving gel, and motor oil.  I know...random. 

Then I saw that there was no line for Sprinkles and I thought to myself, why not have cupcakes for lunch!?!  I picked up a red velvet and strawberry and coupled that with an ice coffee.  I'm good to go.  Now I think I'm just sitting in my office with a sugar rush. 

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