Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Recapping August

Clockwise from L to R: Stephen and I driving endless miles, me shooting a gun in Vegas (I just like the way my arms looked, I do not support gun violence), seeing some former teammates in Scottsdale, AZ, my brother's bachelor party at XS, and then my exercise log for the month of August.

I cannot believe it's already September.  When I was a kid, I would always think a year took forever to end.  As I'm getting older, the days are moving along so much faster.  I felt like it was just yesterday that I was on a flight back to LA on NYE's so I can end up bringing in the new year at Rage.  #classy

The fall is one of my favorite times of the year.  Football starts, college football starts, and volleyball begins, except this time, I will not be coaching and I'll just be a mere fan or spectator.  The summer heat dies out and the new school year begins.  I've been in academia all my life, so I don't know what it's like to really live outside of an academic calender.  If anything, my new years is actually Labor Day.

August has been a busy month.  I've been really going hard at these goals and after 8 months of goal setting, I'm happy to say that I've accomplished 100% of these.

Goal #1: Exercise 14 times this month.  I killed it and did 16.  That's like working out every other day...CRAZY.  I can't believe I'm that dedicated or at least had that much time in my hands considering all the traveling I had to do for August.

Goal #2: I actually don't really miss soda at all now that I've gone two months without soda unless I'm having a vodka soda or a vodka red bull.  That still beats drinking a diet coke a day during lunch.

Goals #3 and #4: This was the Three Part Mini-Series: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Goal #5: That was four crazy days that I lived to not talk about.  What happens in Vegas...

Goal #6: There's a routine I've been working on but I need to keep it a secret.  For all you know, I can be making my own version of Miley's "We Can't Stop."

Goal #7: The home buying process is scary, especially when you don't know of good real estate agents.  I have a friend who is one and I didn't want to go that route because who really wants to have their friends working for them.  It just gets awkward and uncomfortable.  I would much rather keeps my friends around to do fun things like drink with them.  However, my awesome friend Sabrina just recently bought something and gave me her real estate agent who she says was FAB.

Goal #8: I booked a fall vacation for October.  I was going to go to Portugal and stalk Renaldo, but plans changed when I got an agent and will potentially be looking at places to throw all my money at before the year ends.  So I'll be going to...DRUMROLL....Canada!

Goal #9: Two tickets to Justin's 20/20 Experience World Tour: Check!

Goal #10: Here's the thing, one of my favorite scenes from CrazySexyLove was this.  I have this tendency to sometimes just buy clothes from the GAP or "Gap like" because it's easy and low maintenance.  This happens every month since I live by one.  So sometimes I'll buy a $2 t-shirt here and there and then I'll have a bunch of stuff that I can't really wear to work or on a fancy night out.  This entire month, I stayed away from that kind of shopping.  That's not to say I also went about buying 'Gamos.

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