Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lil' Bro's Wedding Weekend - Friday

The Groomsmen gift that never happened :-/
 Weddings really are an outer-body experience.  I'm sure it's even more so for the bride and groom if I felt this way as just a groomsman.  I woke up Monday morning wondering what the hell happened as I tried to recover from what seems like a 50 hour day.  I also woke up with the dizzy spells, which was odd to be because even on my worse morning after drinking like alcohol is going out of style days, I have never been dehydrated to the point where I would have dizzy spells.

For those of you who have never been a part of a wedding party, be prepared to Work Bitch!  Sorry, I had to use that...Oh and one more thing, you also don't get to eat much either.  The moment I landed Thursday night, it was all about my brother's wedding.

I woke up extra early on Friday so I can squeeze in a haircut before I went about running my errands.  I had to buy a pair of pants for my mom because she's crazy superstitious.  Long story short, my younger brother is not supposed to get married before me and since he did, I have to give him my blessing by him walking under a new pair of pants of mine.  I was worried at first because I wasn't sure how much I would need to invest in these pairs of pants, sometimes my mom had a tendency to just burn things.  I wasn't sure if I needed to make a trip to Old Navy.  Here's the tradition explained.  Apparently, I'm supposed to get tea too during the tea ceremony, but that did not happen!

At 4pm, I had to drive over to my brother to lug boxes upon boxes of stuff to bring over to the Sheraton LaGuardia East hotel in Flushing.  It turns out, I really do like Chinese themed hotels.  They are typically really cute and I love staying in them.  Flushing, however, I can do without.  The best way to describe Flushing is that it's like Canal Street in Chinatown in Manhattan, except every street is Canal Street in Flushing.  The pedestrian traffic is awful, Chinese people really don't care if you hit them with your cars or not.  It's all Asian drivers, this may even include the bus drivers, which is even scarier.  It's just a pretty stressful driving experience and that's saying a lot being that I drive in LA in a daily basis. 

Things were unloaded to storage and there was no rest.  We had to quickly go to rehearsal where we met a rather ghetto officiant.  He definitely had some swagger and was apparently a good find on Yelp!  I would really know how good he is since he was a no show on the wedding day (but that's a different story).  We did our walk through and I'm pretty sure I almost cried during it.  I'm a real sap for weddings. After a walk through that seemed pretty hard to mess up, we rolled over to the rehearsal dinner.  It was a great pick in the Korean section of Flushing.  I love Korean food.  I can take it down like no other.

The most exciting part of the dinner is the bridal shower gift.  You and I both know it.  For some reason, all the groomsmen were anticipating watches of the Rolex sort.  We waited patiently as we watched the bridesmaids unwrap their Tiffany boxes.  When it was our turn, we opened up a bunch of valets.  In my brother's defense, he did buy my tux, so I guess I'll need to buy my own Rolex to put in the valet.  Whomp Whomp...

The night didn't end though, oh no it didn't.  We had to run back to one of the other groomsman's apartment to reherse our surprise dance to for the bride.  All my goals have meaning and now you will understand why there was a goal last month to learn an entire dance routine.  It's not because I wanted to twerk it like Miley, although I did practice that as well in case I wanted to go rouge.  After two hours and a noise complaint later, we finally got the entire routine down as a group.  Let's remember that I've been practicing myself in LA while the other four had weeks to get it together.  Turns out it doesn't matter how much you practice because even though we were perfect during dress rehearsals, alcohol came into play during the real thing.

It was no midnight and I had to be up at 8AM...

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