Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Giants Lose - Shocker...

I don't know man...I just don't know...

I didn't get frustrated this weekend when the G-men lost to the Cowboys 36-31.  I kind of expected it since I seem to think Eli has to kind of just get adjusted as the season goes on.  Plus when you lower your expectations, things will always be awesome when the opposite occurs. 

Just because I didn't get frustrated, doesn't mean I thought the performance was okay.  First of all, six turnovers?  The only thing that kept me going was seeing Tony Romo get banged up left and right.  I still question how he's the starting quarterback and can Dallas really not do a better job at finding a franchise player?
I used to get really angry at Eli Manning because when he got that big contract, it was like he reverted backwards and forgot home to play football.  However, can I really complain?  He's given us 2 Superbowls in the past couple years, both of which came by the hands of the Patriots (hahahahahahaa) and both of which were subpar seasons.  See why I can't really be too worried?  We can go 9-7 and still win a Superbowl.

He's also the better looking of the Manning brothers...


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