Friday, August 23, 2013

What happens in Vegas...

Stays in Vegas...
So I'm not going to blog about Vegas since it's kind of sacrarelig to discussed what may or may not have gone down at my brother's bachelor party, but we all survived it!  However, I will put down 10 things I have learned about this Vegas experience.

1. Never gamble at a club, it's distracting and you will lose!
2. When there is 11 of you and the taxi line is a mile long, just ask how much a limo will cost, it'll end up being most likely $10 a person.  You save on time and you get to ride in style!
3. 2 Deck Blackjack is kind of BS, just stick to 1 Deck.
4. Redbull is the devil in the form of liquid.  However, if you want to power through four days of partying, I don't see any other option.
5. The Cosmo buffet at Wicked Spoon is hands down the best thing ever.
6. Don't attempt to walk 1 mile in 106 degrees heat, especially if you need to leave the strip and you can't cut across hotels.
7. The Vegas Monorail might be the most inefficient and useless thing ever.
8. Bottlerats come in the masses. 
9. You can hear the music at Wet Republic from near by pools.
10. The Southwest flight from any of the LA airports to Vegas is the best pre-game bar ever!

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