Friday, August 16, 2013

2,800 Plus Miles Later Part 3

I know it's taking me about three weeks to finish this saga, but the road trip really did feel that long at times.  It took 10 hours to get out of Texas!  Before we started this trip, we had high hopes for New Mexico.  We were hoping that by the tail end of this trip, we hit up a spa in Santa Fe and just relax the day away.  Instead, plans changed when we opted for San Antonio instead of Austin and we just decided to ride the 10 all the way to LA.

Southern New Mexico was awful to say the least.  The only thing different about that and Texas was that New Mexico had red dirt as opposed to yellow dirt.  Land of Enchantment my ass.  The border patrol was funny though...well, depends on who you are and how you define funny.  For those of you who haven't picked up a map lately, New Mexico borders Mexico, so obviously, there would be a check-point.  There were cars ahead of us while we were waiting and they were checking IDs.  When it got to our car, the patrolman basically just said "you're both citizens right?"  "Yes," I responded.  "Okay now, have a good day."  No ID checks, no nothing!  Stephen's probably used to this because he's white, but as an Asian-American, we never get the same treatment that the white man does!  I didn't know what to make of it, but hell, I'm not going to complain about not being racially profiled!

When we finally arrived to Scottsdale, AZ, we checked in to the cutest spa and resort the Double Tree had to offer.  Leave me alone, I used Hilton points okay!  I know there are better spa options, but what's better than free!  The rooms had this who cabin feel to it, I felt relaxed, especially after saying at this janky hotel in San Antonio the night before...

Our old college teammates were in town.  Well, Sean lives in Phoenix (which, I'm not sure why) and Tom was visiting, so we all met up at Hi Fi Kitchen and Cocktails.  The people of Scottsdale really reminded me of Long Island.  The guys were all meat heads with more gel than one should ever have and the girls were just slutty with fake tits and very plastic.  In fact, I think the only major difference was that the tans were real as opposed to the fake tanning that happens on Strong Island.  This is in one way to knock to LI, I love it there.

Now, all four of us have not seen each other in about nine years.  I mean the four of us collectively.  I saw Sean like seriously a week before for his 30th birthday in Vegas and I think I saw Tom at Mark's wedding like 7 years ago.  We did the brief catch up on what's going on in our lives even though that's what Facebook is for and then moved on to sharing good ole volleyball memories.  The thing is, we all had stories that no one had any recollection on.  However, we all remembered one memory and that was when our coach got so mad at us during practice that he just lost it and kicked a volleyball up to the ceiling of the gym.  I know!  It totally happened and it was really the only on-court memory I have.  The rest of the memories were off the court that I shall not discuss due to the various NCAA infractions that may or may not have been violated.  Wait, I can't take money for autographs?

The next day, after some time at the pool and then a full on workout, we packed our bags and headed back to LA.  We stopped for some lunch by having the greatest Mexican food of all time: Chipotle.  I love it!  The drive was going really well until we drove through a wild fire in the Palm Springs area.  I know they existed, but I never been in such close proximity to one.  It was rather intense as we had to roll our windows up and turn off the AC in 106 degree heat and drive with somewhat limited visibility.  Alas, we pushed through and ended up in 5pm traffic.  Home sweet home!

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