Friday, August 2, 2013

July Recap

#awesome #jt #jayz #legendsofsummer #bestconcertever #fomo
July has been a very positive month for me goal-wise.  I'm convinced I accomplished everything on my list.  I even got the to JT and Jay Z which was a bomb-ass concert.  In other news, I found another reason why the metro in LA sucks this morning during my commute to work.  A fight broke out, literally.  Two guys got angry and started fighting in the middle of the platform in front of metro officers.  My initial instinct was to walk away as you never want to be caught in a crossfire, but I just stayed and watched.  I figure, they could just beat other other to death and end their miseries. 

Goal #1: Exercise 13 times...try 14! (1.1)

Goal #2: Spend no more than $20 on parking for work...try $14! (1)

Goal #3: No more soda unless I'm having a cocktail.  Done and done.  It's weird not drinking soda while having lunch. I wonder if I can give up soda for good. (1)

Goal #4: Save $300.  Check (1)

Goal #5: Started the home-owning process and got pre-approved for a mortgage!  Now I just need to find a real estate agent to look at houses. (1)

Goal #6: Hang out with a friend you haven't seen in a while: Well, I think I over extended myself on this one.  I'm pretty sure between hiking with Trent and hanging with Jocelyn and then Vegas with Sean and Marc, that qualifies as four friends!  I haven't seen Marc since his wedding in like 2007 or 2008?!? Maybe it was 2008.  I felt like I went to a lot of weddings that year.  I can probably figure it out by looking at my archived checking statements.  (1.3)  3/10th extra credit for hanging out with 3 other friends! Duh...

Goal #7: iTunes organization.  This one is questionable as I did organize the iTunes on my phone, but not the computer...Maybe half credit? (.5)

Goal #8: Unpack my suitcase from my trip to New York.  Done!  I now have a suitcase to unpack for when I get back from my road trip next week. (1)

Goal #9: Wash my car!  Please...I got it fully detailed. (1)

Goal #10: Stop looking so melancholy all the damn time!  So I had feedback from my job one day that I looked like I was in pain when I was handing out handouts.  WTF?!?  Like I looked miserable.  How am I supposed to look when I'm handing out handouts?  Should I be smiling the entire time, because that's just creepy.  I'll take the hit and not give myself any points for this since I was called out at my place of employment!  Although I'm not sure that melancholy and miserable are actually the same thing, although one can argue that they are not mutually exclusive as well. (0)

Not to shabby this month.  8.9/10.  I really need to start writing down goals that will make things an easy 10.

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