Tuesday, May 21, 2013

You've graduated, what now?!?

Such a great read!

Ahh yes, the month of May.  A month of spring showers, prospects of summer, Memorial Day weekend, and of course, a month where thousands of newly graduated seniors and graduate/professional students go into the unknown know as this nation's economy. 

Luckily for the students I work with, this isn't much of a problem for them.  In fact, for them, they seem to just make more money when they're done.  I guess that's the difference between attending an executive program and everyone else. 

The reason for the goal of smiling the entire time during graduation is because I have a tendency to just scowl.  I have what most people would call "bitch" face.  It's this look that cannot really be described, but when you see it on me, you will definitely notice it.  It's my way of saying "I'm just not that interested" or "Just don't give a shit."  Sometimes, I don't even know I'm doing it.  That's the best, it's call "at rest bitch face."  This is just a natural state.  What?  I can't help the way my face rests! 

I started the day good though.  I slept in and decided that if I wanted to feel good, I needed to look good.  So I broke out my best suit.  My Theory suit (Go ahead, check out the site, they have great stuff).  I walked into work and my co-workers asked if I was graduating.  I even had a tie on.  Well, I had other reasons for the tie.  I had to cover up not one, but two hickeys that were given to me the night before without my knowledge.  Let's just say I woke up in a panic and I don't own any type of cover-up.  You would think that with how sensitive my skin is that I would have something like that around in case of emergencies. 

Graduation officially began with a luncheon at a very nice steakhouse in which we rented out an entire section.  I smiled as I waited in the front the greet the graduates and their families.  I even smiled at the small children.  We all know how I can feel about children at times.  I think they are the sweetest things in the world, but when you don't want them around, they can totally be an abomination.  You know what I'm talking about (i.e. restaurants, movie theatres, airplanes!).  One of the small children kept hugging his father's left leg while the poor guy had to walk across the restaurant.  You know Tiger Mom would not have let that shit fly.  If that was an Chinese kid, shit would have gone down.  I know because I was in a table with Asian parents and their Asian children who I'm guessing will grow up to be something super Asian one day. 

The actual graduation was where I probably had the most potential to lose it and "bitch face" may have made an appearance.  I don't think it did though, I was making sure of it.  I was working the special and dual degree line when some individuals from the single degree line can an acknowledged the fact that they are dual degrees.  That's all fine and dandy, so I asked them to choose a line and they went on for about five minutes in front of me debating which line to stand on.  The breaking point was whether or not they want to sit with their single degree friends.  C'mon people, I got other students to deal with, at least get out of my way when you're debating.  I thought sitting with your friends was only something you worried about in high school and maybe undergrad.  These people are at least all over 23.  As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure why they attend graduation.  Those things are so boring, it may be worse than watching paint dry.  At least there's a science to it and you can make the paint dry quicker depending on the elements. 

But alas, graduation is always a happy time and I should be smiling during those happy moments. 

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