Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm so over GEM!

I finally submitted my write-up for "Defining Graduate Enrollment Management" (GEM).  It was probably the lamest thing I have ever written.  A part of me thinks that I have writing and reading phobia when it comes to anything that's remotely academic.  I spent so many years in school that the idea of putting together a summary of GEM scared me.  I sat on it until the last possible moment.  I think the saddest part of this was when I hit writer's block.  How could I have had writer's block for something that is my job.  GEM is my freaking profession.  I live it for 40 hours a week and spent six years studying it in an academic capacity.

At this point, reading anything beyond my monthly issue of Details or Mindy Kaling's autobiography would be too traumatizing for me.  Writing anything beyond a blog where I don't have to worry about penning anything intelligent or searching for grammatical errors would be traumatizing as well. 

It was pretty much a year ago today that I received my doctorate.  As you can tell, I really haven't put it in good use...

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