Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mom, your check is in the mail...

Mother's Day is a Hallmark holiday.  There, I said it.  You should be recognizing your mom every day and showering her with gifts and flowers.  Even crazy moms deserves that.  I have not been able to celebrate Mother's Day in New York the past five years since I always chose to go home on July 4th weekend instead, so I make effort in sending a card with either flowers or a check.  Us Asians find it easier just to buy the love of loved ones. 

My mom has three children to rely on when it comes to the celebration of this holiday.  What's even better is having three fully-employed children.  She likes a combined gift.  The bigger the better.  Usually we're not told that we have to give her anything, but we do anyways.  An LV purse here and there, a nice fat check, face cream, and I think one year a coat was involved.  However, something changed this year, she got greedy, but in a funny way. 

When I was home two weeks ago, she asked me what I was going to give her for Mother's Day.  I was shocked.  More so because of that fact that I was caught with my pants down.  I really haven't thought too much about what I was going to give her.  It didn't even cross my mind to think about it really until probably the week of.  So I just told her it was a work in progress.

On Wednesday the 9th, I went out and bought a card and just decided to write a check.  I put down a value that I thought was good enough to keep her thinking I gave what I can, but not too much to have her think I have all this extra money laying around (aka: my drinking fund).  I called her that evening as I was waiting to meet my friend Sabrina for dinner just to say "hi."  Went went to Flying Pig Cafe before heading to the LA Asian Pacific Film Festival to watch a documentary titled Hafu.  Once again, she brought up Mother's Day.  This time, it was more blunt than usual.  She literally asked me if I remembered this Sunday was Mother's Day and asked if her check was in the mail yet.  Of course, lucky for me, I dropped it into the mailbox about 2 hours before I called her and it arrived on Saturday.  Talk about cutting it close.  She thanked me on Saturday night when I called. 

So to recap what mom got this year.  She received a check from all three of us, some Clarion products, and then a dinner as well.  Made out like a bandit.  I think I need to start considering popping some children out so I can get the same rewards.  Although, it kind of like a life time investment that I'm not really too sure about...

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