Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Buying

I once read somewhere that dating in LA is like opening your closet that's full of clothing and still not knowing what to wear.  No, this is not a post on dating, this is actually a post on revamping my wardrobe because I really do open my closet and not know what to wear.  I was able to identify the key problem areas as to why I would have clothes overflowing and still feel like I have nothing. 

1. There are too many options.  Ever just open up a Cheesecake Factory menu and not know what to order?  I mean, they save so many selections on cheesecake alone, it's almost impossible to choose one.  I actually feel the same way about my tank top collection. #tanktopseason

2. Everything seems old to me.  I feel like I've seen a lot of what's already in my closet and that I don't have enough options.  I know, I'm aware that two negates one, but I never admitted to not being even slightly crazy and irrational at times.

3. I'm lazy so usually I just grab what's on top or wrinkle-free.  Due to this, I feel like I'm wearing the same thing every day.  I guess it's kind of like a FWB situation where you just settle for what's there because it's the most convenient. 

I'm in a rut.  So while browsing multiple back issues of Details, I found some pieces that would look great on me and I went around shopping this month for a more affordable version.  As much as I think a pair of Ferragamo's would be amazing, we all can't afford a pair of $600 uncomfortable shoes.  Kenneth Cole's would do.  A sales person at that store once told me that all the men who work there love the shoes because they are so comfortable and they just sashay up and down the store.  She had me at "sashay."  Besides, upon finishing Mindy Kaling's autobiography, I have to agree with her that every guy needs a nice pair of black shoes.  My brother told me the same thing when he asked if I have the shoes for his wedding yet.  

I decided that my new look would be preppy northeast.  I figured I can get away with this because it's work appropriate and weekend appropriate.  I know it's not too drastic of a change from what I usually look like; preppy jock. 

So what does this new look entail?  For starters, skinny fit chinos.  I love the various colors.  I own the brass and green ones.  Classic Sperry's.  I have plaid ones, but you always need the classics.  The look ends with any brand of the slim fit plaid button down variety.  No socks.  In fact, I try to make excuses to not wear socks as much as possible.  My casual Friday attire consists of skinny jeans and Toms.  I know they're ugly shoes, but they are comfortable and a poor kid in Africa get's a pair when I buy one, so let's not get nasty here.  I received plenty of compliments from my new get-up.  I was told I looked very dapper, looked very east coast, looked very cute (although that really goes without saying), and someone mentioned they loved the color of my pants.  The moral of the story is that if I put effort into a new look every season, I will always be paid with compliments!

1 comment:

  1. LA has 2 seasons.. Oddly enough, I just streamlined my closet a little today as well. Here's to a better wardrobe, bro!
