Monday, April 1, 2013

Near Perfection

Clockwise: Running into my friend Erica at LAX, Eaton Canyon waterfall, my clean desk, and Mimosas at the Wicked Spoon at the Cosmo in Vegas.
The odds were stacked against me this month, but I was able to accomplish so much.  Who knew that with a little determination and a fear of constant failure, that I would have one of my best months in this new year. Why were the odds stacked against me?  Well, I only had roughly 20 days to do it all.  From March 15th - March 24th, I was working 15 hour days and living in a hotel and then of course going to Vegas for a 16 hour trip.

It says here I went 12 times in March, but I had to scan in twice in one day because I left something in the gym that I had to go back and retrieve.
 Goal #1: I went to the gym 11 times this month!  Finally, now I know it doesn't seem like a lot but let's keep in mind the goal is to go to the gym.  So things like hiking and yoga which I do on the side as well do not count.  The 11th time gives me an extra one-tenth of a point.  Being that we live in a world of extra credit, I don't see why I can't give myself some extra padding.  I remember the first time I saw a gpa that was over a 4.0.  I didn't know what to do with it or how to understand it.  I just chalked it up to grade inflation and the competitive college admissions game, which all of it is really bullshit. (1.1)

This is an old picture from when I was partaking in Movember, but it was the only picture of me sitting on yoga ball as a chair for work. 
Goal #2: Sitting on a yoga ball was something I did at my last job.  When I came to this job, I was too lazy to bring the ball back into work and inflate it.  So to do so, I needed to make it a goal.  The best part about this goal is that you get an 8 hour core workout and good posture.  So important! (1)

Goal #3: Done!  I can't believe how much of a jet-setter I am. (1)

Goal #4: This goal was brought to you by Suzi Orman.  While watching her segment on "How am I doing?" I decided to see how I was doing.  So the net worth is basically assets minus liabilities (debt).  Don't do this if you have a lot of student loans or a mortgage.  It will never be a win-win situation.  So this was hard, increasing net worth by 10% would mean that I would have to save my monthly paychecks and also apparently not have to pay rent, utilities, and any other types of payments for the month.  I calculated my results on the 27th and I increased it by roughly 2.5%.  However, that was before I needed to pay rent, so in reality, I probably only increased it by 1%.  I'll give myself (.1).  Makes sense doesn't it?

Goal #5: I'm doing my best at being a scholar and contributing to my field (1).  

Goal #6: Okay, okay, so I realized this was a stupid goal.  Not because I wasn't able to not use credit cards for a month, but because I realized all my bills are linked to it!  This is not limited to iTunes, LADWP, TimeWarner Cable, Verizon, etc...However, outside of that, it was quite successful.  Totally deserve .75 credit!

Goal #7: Don't go chasing waterfalls, stick me in an ocean where I be looking real good! (1)

Goal #8: Okay, so here's the deal.  I went clothing shopping on March 30th.  I technically went 30 days.  Plus, everything I bought was on sale at Urban Outfitters.  My roommate and I went to Target earlier and had a really unfulfilled shopping experience.  We spent so much money on necessities, that it didn't make us feel satisfied.  So I had to make myself feel better by walking to UO.  I almost got away with not buying anything because he owed me money for the LADWP bill and figured he could just buy me the pair of pants and we would call it even, but there was a lot of good stuff and most of it was for guess it doesn't really count as clothing shopping?  I mean, what if I waited until April and they were all gone!  Okay, I won't give myself full credit for it, but I'll give myself like .95!  I didn't shop for almost the entire month!

Goal #9: It's so gross, I haven't cleaned my desk since I started working here five months ago.  The desk that collected....I'm not even going to post a picture of what I had to go through! (1)

Goal #10: I won't go into detail on how I'm managing them better, but at least they're not sitting around surfing the web anymore.  It took me two months, but I finally figured out who's skills aligned with which tasks.  Well and I basically just told everyone in the office to pile work on to them! (1)

So 9.1/10.  This month was really my best showing yet and I do believe that a 91 is kind of like an A-. 

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