Monday, April 15, 2013

File those Taxes Today!

First off, I'm not sure why I didn't state getting my taxes done well before the tax deadline as a goal.  It would have been a total "gimme."  But, we know what happened the last time I had a "gimme."

Half the month is over and things don't look too promising for me to complete this list of 10.  I actually have less than half a month to go as I'm leaving LA on the 24th to head to Orlando and New York for work and won't be back until May 3rd.  This really only gives me 9 more days to accomplish everything else.  So how are things stacking up for me this month thus far?

Goal 1: Exercise 15 times this month: Well, so far, I've been to the gym three times.  Would have been four if it wasn't for that "Scary Movie 5" red carpet at the Arclight Cinemas.  I know, #hollywoodproblems.  Then there was my one yoga class and the Runyon run.  So I guess I'm 1/3 of the way there.  Guess somebody is going to be hitting the hotel gyms hard while traveling.

Goal 2: There's bird shit all over my car.  Enough said.

Goal 3: I'm going to say yes?  Okay, I'm sure talking about the breed and the age of dogs you don't own just to strike up conversation with people really isn't all that interesting.  I still have half a month to pass off someone else's cute pup as mine.

Goal 4: I think I found a pair.  It's just a matter of committing to it on Zappos.

Goal 5: I didn't weigh myself recently, but I think the magic number is 151lbs.  Please don't hate.  Contrary to popular belief, I do not throw up my food.  I throw up alcohol.  If I eat first and then drink and then puke, it doesn't count as bulimia. #afterschoolspecial

Goal 6: Save $500 - I'm 40% there.  At the end of each week, I just move the remainder of what's left from my weekly allowance from my checking account to my savings account.  I haven't really been drinking too much lately, so I'm just saving my alcohol allowance.

Goal 7: Done and it's still a work in progress.  I know it negates the saving $500 if I keep spending money on a new wardrobe, that like I said, I haven't really been drinking.  I also give myself a monthly clothing allowance as well.  That's the great thing about having a full-time job and a roommate.  You have extra cash in the end of the month to just spend on whatever you want so you don't feel as miserable about your life.

Goal 8: I read somewhere that Goodwill actually makes a lot of profit that doesn't go to anyone but the CEO.  I need to rethink this goal and possibly find some other alternative, perhaps the Salvation Army.

Goal 9: Ahh yes, Nala is slowly being trained this month.  I have a spray bottle at hand and she gets wet every time she even looks like she might be on the attack. #wetpussy

Goal 10: I watched season 3 of Walking Dead in two days.  Don't even get me started on how obsessed I was. 

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