Friday, April 19, 2013

2 Fer Wednesday

Dirrty Dirrty (Before)
 Having a 9-5 really gets in the way of my personal life and goal attainments.  I know, I get the weekends to get things done, but what is really opened on the weekends and the crowds that you have to deal with... #aintnobodygottimefordat!

So anytime, there are some flex hours in my work day, I am more than happy to #getshitdone.  We had an event at work on Wednesday that required me to be there at 7:30am, which meant that I can leave at 1 ummm, I meant 4pm ;) 

So fresh and so clean (after)
 Earlier in the morning, I was finally able to get my car washed!  I usually go to a car wash at the Ralphs on Hollywood and Western where I give them $12 and they wash my car and scrub my rims with a toothbrush while I'm doing my grocery shopping.  P.S.  Whoever thought about having a car wash at a grocery store parking lot or a shopping mall is genius.  Who wants to sit around while their car is being washed?  However, I decided that since my car is going to be sitting in an airport parking lot for about two weeks, it didn't make sense to give it a good wash, so I just went through one of those gas station car washes for $6.  Not too bad, it got all the bird shit off.  I don't think I'm really meant to drive nice cars.  A friend once told me that I was not allowed to have my car look like that.  What does that look like?  Dirt, dirty rims, bird poop, and basically anything that shows up with having a grey car.  I also beat the crap out of my car, running into random objects on the road (i.e. cones), hitting the curbs and scratching the crap out of the bottom of my car, and well, I'm basically an Asian driver, so I pretty much hit about anything with the exception of people and animals (knock on wood).  I once went home back to NYC and forgot that the driving rules were different there and that you couldn't make right on reds, and with NYC being pretty much a jay walking city, I nearly ran a bitch over.  She was inches away from saying hi to God by way of a Pathfinder before I stopped.  Luckily, I drive a regular car in LA, so things like that would maybe only be a minor tap if I were to really hurt someone.  Needless to say, even though I only drove it though a gas station car wash, the car looks as good as new!

Hugo Boss "Mettor" for $225 at Bloomingdales

So when I left work at 4pm *cough, cough*, I was able to hit up the Beverly Center for a little shoe shopping.  I went to a couple stores, but finally settled on Bloomingdales, which happens to be my favorite department store.  Although Nordstorms is coming in as a close second because they really do have a better shoe selection.  However, I did find out they were having their "Night in New York" sale or whatever it was called.  I'm usually suspect of this because there are always exceptions and I feel like shoes are one of them.  To my surprise, shoes were actually a part of this deal with the exception of these Ferragamos.  Had those been on sales, I would have definitely bought it.  It's not everyday you can by a pair of $500 shoes for $375.  So after this shoe lady, who really didn't seem like she gave two shits about whether or not I needed help recommended these Hugo Boss', I decided this was going to be the most cost effective shoe for a tux.  I hope they make me look "boss" for the price I paid.  I really didn't want anything shiny because the thought of wearing something once for a couple hour dollars seem stupid.  Hopefully, these will suffice, although I need to get the okay from my brother's tailor. 

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