Monday, April 29, 2013

A little Goodwill...

Gives my closet some much needed space!  I think I mentioned I was going to look into some alternatives to using Goodwill since I found out how much the head of Goodwill actually profits from selling the stuff of people.

I was packing for my east coast work trip and while doing so, I thought it would be a good time to trim the fat in my closet.  I think I think a good amount of downsizing, but I'm pretty sure I could have done a little more.  You know that old t-shirt that you can't seem to ever get rid of?  Unfortunately for me, I had like 20 of those old t-shirts.  I know I'm never going to wear them again, but I could not get myself to get rid of it.  Maybe it reminds me of the way I smelled in college...I know, kind of creepy.  Or maybe it just reminded me of a time of innocence when I didn't have to worry about having things nicely fitted to my body and I was not being judged for it as I walk by a bunch of guys with shades on during gay brunch (yes, they are talking about you!). 

While cleaning out my jean section, I found a pair of boot-cut Diesels.  I know, no one wears boot-cut or Diesels anymore.  I thought about giving that away, but then I thought about how it was $180 and that's just not something you give away.  Maybe if I hold on to it long enough, boot-cut will make a come back kind of like the 80's and I can wear something that I wore in my 20's when I'm like 50.  

Also, I noticed something else I had a bunch of that was insane.  I have A LOT of work out clothes, even after giving away a bunch of stuff, I still had 30 work out t-shirts.  That's one a month that I can wear.  I do not work out 30 days out of the month.  I'm not really sure anyone does.  If you do, please tell me your secret. 

Now that my closet is condensed and organized, I realized that there is one major advantage to it.  I can now buy more clothes! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

2 Fer Wednesday

Dirrty Dirrty (Before)
 Having a 9-5 really gets in the way of my personal life and goal attainments.  I know, I get the weekends to get things done, but what is really opened on the weekends and the crowds that you have to deal with... #aintnobodygottimefordat!

So anytime, there are some flex hours in my work day, I am more than happy to #getshitdone.  We had an event at work on Wednesday that required me to be there at 7:30am, which meant that I can leave at 1 ummm, I meant 4pm ;) 

So fresh and so clean (after)
 Earlier in the morning, I was finally able to get my car washed!  I usually go to a car wash at the Ralphs on Hollywood and Western where I give them $12 and they wash my car and scrub my rims with a toothbrush while I'm doing my grocery shopping.  P.S.  Whoever thought about having a car wash at a grocery store parking lot or a shopping mall is genius.  Who wants to sit around while their car is being washed?  However, I decided that since my car is going to be sitting in an airport parking lot for about two weeks, it didn't make sense to give it a good wash, so I just went through one of those gas station car washes for $6.  Not too bad, it got all the bird shit off.  I don't think I'm really meant to drive nice cars.  A friend once told me that I was not allowed to have my car look like that.  What does that look like?  Dirt, dirty rims, bird poop, and basically anything that shows up with having a grey car.  I also beat the crap out of my car, running into random objects on the road (i.e. cones), hitting the curbs and scratching the crap out of the bottom of my car, and well, I'm basically an Asian driver, so I pretty much hit about anything with the exception of people and animals (knock on wood).  I once went home back to NYC and forgot that the driving rules were different there and that you couldn't make right on reds, and with NYC being pretty much a jay walking city, I nearly ran a bitch over.  She was inches away from saying hi to God by way of a Pathfinder before I stopped.  Luckily, I drive a regular car in LA, so things like that would maybe only be a minor tap if I were to really hurt someone.  Needless to say, even though I only drove it though a gas station car wash, the car looks as good as new!

Hugo Boss "Mettor" for $225 at Bloomingdales

So when I left work at 4pm *cough, cough*, I was able to hit up the Beverly Center for a little shoe shopping.  I went to a couple stores, but finally settled on Bloomingdales, which happens to be my favorite department store.  Although Nordstorms is coming in as a close second because they really do have a better shoe selection.  However, I did find out they were having their "Night in New York" sale or whatever it was called.  I'm usually suspect of this because there are always exceptions and I feel like shoes are one of them.  To my surprise, shoes were actually a part of this deal with the exception of these Ferragamos.  Had those been on sales, I would have definitely bought it.  It's not everyday you can by a pair of $500 shoes for $375.  So after this shoe lady, who really didn't seem like she gave two shits about whether or not I needed help recommended these Hugo Boss', I decided this was going to be the most cost effective shoe for a tux.  I hope they make me look "boss" for the price I paid.  I really didn't want anything shiny because the thought of wearing something once for a couple hour dollars seem stupid.  Hopefully, these will suffice, although I need to get the okay from my brother's tailor. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

File those Taxes Today!

First off, I'm not sure why I didn't state getting my taxes done well before the tax deadline as a goal.  It would have been a total "gimme."  But, we know what happened the last time I had a "gimme."

Half the month is over and things don't look too promising for me to complete this list of 10.  I actually have less than half a month to go as I'm leaving LA on the 24th to head to Orlando and New York for work and won't be back until May 3rd.  This really only gives me 9 more days to accomplish everything else.  So how are things stacking up for me this month thus far?

Goal 1: Exercise 15 times this month: Well, so far, I've been to the gym three times.  Would have been four if it wasn't for that "Scary Movie 5" red carpet at the Arclight Cinemas.  I know, #hollywoodproblems.  Then there was my one yoga class and the Runyon run.  So I guess I'm 1/3 of the way there.  Guess somebody is going to be hitting the hotel gyms hard while traveling.

Goal 2: There's bird shit all over my car.  Enough said.

Goal 3: I'm going to say yes?  Okay, I'm sure talking about the breed and the age of dogs you don't own just to strike up conversation with people really isn't all that interesting.  I still have half a month to pass off someone else's cute pup as mine.

Goal 4: I think I found a pair.  It's just a matter of committing to it on Zappos.

Goal 5: I didn't weigh myself recently, but I think the magic number is 151lbs.  Please don't hate.  Contrary to popular belief, I do not throw up my food.  I throw up alcohol.  If I eat first and then drink and then puke, it doesn't count as bulimia. #afterschoolspecial

Goal 6: Save $500 - I'm 40% there.  At the end of each week, I just move the remainder of what's left from my weekly allowance from my checking account to my savings account.  I haven't really been drinking too much lately, so I'm just saving my alcohol allowance.

Goal 7: Done and it's still a work in progress.  I know it negates the saving $500 if I keep spending money on a new wardrobe, that like I said, I haven't really been drinking.  I also give myself a monthly clothing allowance as well.  That's the great thing about having a full-time job and a roommate.  You have extra cash in the end of the month to just spend on whatever you want so you don't feel as miserable about your life.

Goal 8: I read somewhere that Goodwill actually makes a lot of profit that doesn't go to anyone but the CEO.  I need to rethink this goal and possibly find some other alternative, perhaps the Salvation Army.

Goal 9: Ahh yes, Nala is slowly being trained this month.  I have a spray bottle at hand and she gets wet every time she even looks like she might be on the attack. #wetpussy

Goal 10: I watched season 3 of Walking Dead in two days.  Don't even get me started on how obsessed I was. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Buying

I once read somewhere that dating in LA is like opening your closet that's full of clothing and still not knowing what to wear.  No, this is not a post on dating, this is actually a post on revamping my wardrobe because I really do open my closet and not know what to wear.  I was able to identify the key problem areas as to why I would have clothes overflowing and still feel like I have nothing. 

1. There are too many options.  Ever just open up a Cheesecake Factory menu and not know what to order?  I mean, they save so many selections on cheesecake alone, it's almost impossible to choose one.  I actually feel the same way about my tank top collection. #tanktopseason

2. Everything seems old to me.  I feel like I've seen a lot of what's already in my closet and that I don't have enough options.  I know, I'm aware that two negates one, but I never admitted to not being even slightly crazy and irrational at times.

3. I'm lazy so usually I just grab what's on top or wrinkle-free.  Due to this, I feel like I'm wearing the same thing every day.  I guess it's kind of like a FWB situation where you just settle for what's there because it's the most convenient. 

I'm in a rut.  So while browsing multiple back issues of Details, I found some pieces that would look great on me and I went around shopping this month for a more affordable version.  As much as I think a pair of Ferragamo's would be amazing, we all can't afford a pair of $600 uncomfortable shoes.  Kenneth Cole's would do.  A sales person at that store once told me that all the men who work there love the shoes because they are so comfortable and they just sashay up and down the store.  She had me at "sashay."  Besides, upon finishing Mindy Kaling's autobiography, I have to agree with her that every guy needs a nice pair of black shoes.  My brother told me the same thing when he asked if I have the shoes for his wedding yet.  

I decided that my new look would be preppy northeast.  I figured I can get away with this because it's work appropriate and weekend appropriate.  I know it's not too drastic of a change from what I usually look like; preppy jock. 

So what does this new look entail?  For starters, skinny fit chinos.  I love the various colors.  I own the brass and green ones.  Classic Sperry's.  I have plaid ones, but you always need the classics.  The look ends with any brand of the slim fit plaid button down variety.  No socks.  In fact, I try to make excuses to not wear socks as much as possible.  My casual Friday attire consists of skinny jeans and Toms.  I know they're ugly shoes, but they are comfortable and a poor kid in Africa get's a pair when I buy one, so let's not get nasty here.  I received plenty of compliments from my new get-up.  I was told I looked very dapper, looked very east coast, looked very cute (although that really goes without saying), and someone mentioned they loved the color of my pants.  The moral of the story is that if I put effort into a new look every season, I will always be paid with compliments!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Going for the hat trick

Sometimes I really can be an overachiever even though I tell every person I meet that my life long dream is to be a kept man.  The idea of running a foundation for some obscure cause, picking up my children from soccer practice, and maintaining a fab home just sounds so delightful.  So naturally on a weekend where I have a friend from college visiting and having to dog sit for my #bff, I would end up trying to tackle three goals. 

Just a nice lazy Sunday watching a lot of Walking Dead
 First off was this whole "Walking Dead" business (Goal #10).  I decided to see what all the rave was about last week, so I watched season 1 on Netflix in two nights.  So on Saturday night while I was dog-sitting and had my friend Joel over for wine night, I started watching season 2.  I was already like 2.5 episodes in though, so I actually didn't really start on Saturday night.  After many tall "Cougar Town" like glasses of wine and some diet calimocho, I feel asleep.  The dogs survived.  I woke up the next morning and proceeded to just turn on the Netflix and with the exception of the one hour that I went to yoga (I know, yoga on a Sunday afternoon is kind of a housewife luxury), I watched all of season two and was three episodes into season three when the parents got back around 10:30pm.  I was addicted.  I was probably also very zombie like just laying on the couch staring at a television all day.  Season three was not on Netflix.  Stephen buys them on Amazon, so I had to just watch it from there.  When he got home, I made sure to ask for his username and password.  He didn't remember it, I wanted to cry.  I was like a junkie wondering when he would get his next hit.  I got home that night and went to bed never really feeling the same.  I would have done anything to continue watching season three even if it meant taking a mental health day.

Drunk dog-sitting.  How else do people do it?
 So when Stephen asked me to dog-sit this weekend, I naturally said "yes" (Goal #3).  Such a great way to meet new people.  I didn't take into account how hard it would be to walk two dogs of different breeds while trying to strike up a conversation.  I wonder how funny I looked walking a pitbull and the Taco Bell dog.  I would have Zoey (the pit) pulling me forward while Zero was just wanting to take his sweet ass time pissing on anything and everything.  There's also nothing attractive about picking up dog poop with doggie bags and then having to carry it around until I can find the closest garbage can to dispose of it.  However, I did get two opportunities to strike up some dog-friendly conversation.  The first was a guy who was walking his German Shepard.  Zoey was all about being playful and I really was not in the mood for the German thing to attack Zoey and have me trying to break up a dog fight.  So I'm just gripping the lease with all my strength.  The guy asked if she was a puppy, which I answered "yes."  Everything else seemed to have faltered with questions beyond that.  I had to eventually say "I don't know, these are not my dogs."  I need to get my act together, the whole point of dog sitting is so I can pretend like they are mine and scam on hotties.  The second conversation was lackluster as well.  I'm like a very awful version of "Barney's Playbook." 

Nala's Friday night attack.
 On Friday night while I was minding my own business just drinking with a college friend from out of town, Nala attacked me.  This time, it was more harsh than usual.  Needless to say, I had to follow though (Goal #9) and I un-leased holy hell on her in the form of a spray bottle.  Now whenever she attacks me, I'm just going to chase her around the apartment squirting her.  I know, it seems ridic that a 30 year on adult would have to chase his psycho cat around to train her on how to not abuse me.  I thought things were good until I returned home last night.  I guess in her defense, I did leave her for 24 hours (I'm such a battered woman that I'm making excuses for her physical abuse on me).  Out of nowhere, she crept up upon me and made my leg her dinner for the night.  A spray bottle war ensued.  I think I'm getting through to her though.  Up next if the spray bottle doesn't work is going to be me dumping her ass in the shower.  That'll teach her!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Near Perfection

Clockwise: Running into my friend Erica at LAX, Eaton Canyon waterfall, my clean desk, and Mimosas at the Wicked Spoon at the Cosmo in Vegas.
The odds were stacked against me this month, but I was able to accomplish so much.  Who knew that with a little determination and a fear of constant failure, that I would have one of my best months in this new year. Why were the odds stacked against me?  Well, I only had roughly 20 days to do it all.  From March 15th - March 24th, I was working 15 hour days and living in a hotel and then of course going to Vegas for a 16 hour trip.

It says here I went 12 times in March, but I had to scan in twice in one day because I left something in the gym that I had to go back and retrieve.
 Goal #1: I went to the gym 11 times this month!  Finally, now I know it doesn't seem like a lot but let's keep in mind the goal is to go to the gym.  So things like hiking and yoga which I do on the side as well do not count.  The 11th time gives me an extra one-tenth of a point.  Being that we live in a world of extra credit, I don't see why I can't give myself some extra padding.  I remember the first time I saw a gpa that was over a 4.0.  I didn't know what to do with it or how to understand it.  I just chalked it up to grade inflation and the competitive college admissions game, which all of it is really bullshit. (1.1)

This is an old picture from when I was partaking in Movember, but it was the only picture of me sitting on yoga ball as a chair for work. 
Goal #2: Sitting on a yoga ball was something I did at my last job.  When I came to this job, I was too lazy to bring the ball back into work and inflate it.  So to do so, I needed to make it a goal.  The best part about this goal is that you get an 8 hour core workout and good posture.  So important! (1)

Goal #3: Done!  I can't believe how much of a jet-setter I am. (1)

Goal #4: This goal was brought to you by Suzi Orman.  While watching her segment on "How am I doing?" I decided to see how I was doing.  So the net worth is basically assets minus liabilities (debt).  Don't do this if you have a lot of student loans or a mortgage.  It will never be a win-win situation.  So this was hard, increasing net worth by 10% would mean that I would have to save my monthly paychecks and also apparently not have to pay rent, utilities, and any other types of payments for the month.  I calculated my results on the 27th and I increased it by roughly 2.5%.  However, that was before I needed to pay rent, so in reality, I probably only increased it by 1%.  I'll give myself (.1).  Makes sense doesn't it?

Goal #5: I'm doing my best at being a scholar and contributing to my field (1).  

Goal #6: Okay, okay, so I realized this was a stupid goal.  Not because I wasn't able to not use credit cards for a month, but because I realized all my bills are linked to it!  This is not limited to iTunes, LADWP, TimeWarner Cable, Verizon, etc...However, outside of that, it was quite successful.  Totally deserve .75 credit!

Goal #7: Don't go chasing waterfalls, stick me in an ocean where I be looking real good! (1)

Goal #8: Okay, so here's the deal.  I went clothing shopping on March 30th.  I technically went 30 days.  Plus, everything I bought was on sale at Urban Outfitters.  My roommate and I went to Target earlier and had a really unfulfilled shopping experience.  We spent so much money on necessities, that it didn't make us feel satisfied.  So I had to make myself feel better by walking to UO.  I almost got away with not buying anything because he owed me money for the LADWP bill and figured he could just buy me the pair of pants and we would call it even, but there was a lot of good stuff and most of it was for guess it doesn't really count as clothing shopping?  I mean, what if I waited until April and they were all gone!  Okay, I won't give myself full credit for it, but I'll give myself like .95!  I didn't shop for almost the entire month!

Goal #9: It's so gross, I haven't cleaned my desk since I started working here five months ago.  The desk that collected....I'm not even going to post a picture of what I had to go through! (1)

Goal #10: I won't go into detail on how I'm managing them better, but at least they're not sitting around surfing the web anymore.  It took me two months, but I finally figured out who's skills aligned with which tasks.  Well and I basically just told everyone in the office to pile work on to them! (1)

So 9.1/10.  This month was really my best showing yet and I do believe that a 91 is kind of like an A-.