Friday, November 1, 2013


Accomplishing my goals were difficult this month.  Why?  Because I'm tired.  I don't generally use that as an excuse too much because everyone is tired, but this month felt different.  I had too much going on.  I found a home and an offer was accepted!  The excitement was short lived since after that, my life became a whirlwind trying to close escrow.  I'm still not really sure what escrow is.  On top of that, I had two trips, one to Seattle, the other to Vancouver, so not a lot of time to actually do stuff.

Alas, it begins the tabulations...

Goal #1: I'm so made at myself on this one because I had the day off yesterday and all I had to do was go for a jog and that would have been the 15th exercise day, but I got super lazy and I was still livid from the parking violations bureau (see below).  So needless to say, I exercised 14 times this month, which I still think is better than the American average.  Thank god for straight married people because they balance out the average of the WeHo gays... (.93/1)

Goal #2: I know picking up items from the tailor's should be easy but it's not for me.  I found this awesome Korean lady when I was living in Sherman Oaks.  Please go see Christine as she is amazing.  I brought in a peacoat and a courdory blazer to have it fitted.  So for you non Angelenos, Sherman Oaks is in the valley.  I love the valley, so I'm not talking shit, it's just far from where I live now and far from where I work.  I used to commute a good hour to an hour and a half to get to work one-way!  So when your tailor closes at 6pm M-F and is only open for Saturday in which I'm usually on the road for work, you can imagine how difficult it will be for someone to pick their stuff up.  However, it was done as I had a half day from work and it was just sitting there for a month.  At least I had some free closet space when it happened. (1)

Goal #3: Never made it to the bunny spa.  I'm always having to reschedule!  But she is a lot happier roaming free in my balcony. Goose Egg!

Goal #4: OMG, this parking permit situation...I don't care, I'm giving myself a point for trying.  I went to the god damn place 3 times!  And each time, there was an excuse governed by the red tape that is the shit show of the LA Parking Violations Bureau or you can just yelp them.  They make even getting a parking permit difficult.  First of all, there is no free parking, so you can meter park for an hour or you can do garage parking for a price of I didn't even bother finding out how much it was. 
First time: I just walked out of the place because my meter was expiring, yes that's how long I waited.
Second time: I didn't have a utility bill.  I even told them I would pull it up from my phone and they told me I had to make a copy of it.  To make things worse, apparently my building isn't zoned for guest parking, so I have to get an annual pass.  That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  My specific building doesn't qualify for guest parking so I can only get annual passes?  And the utility thing is bullshit.  My license and registration alone should prove my residency.  Whatever, I walked off.
Third time: Yesterday October 31st.  I brought everything and I was ready to purchase my permit and guess what I was told!?!  My district's fiscal year ends today, October 31st so I will need to come back tomorrow to buy a new annual permit.  WTF?  You can't sell me a permit one day early?  And WTF kind of annual time goes from Nov to Oct.  To top it off, the dumb bitch told me that she can see me the permit for one day for $11.50 and then come back tomorrow for a new one.  I basically told her I thought this process was ridicious and that this was my third time here.  I walked out fuming and basically told my friend Carla on the phone that I was going to give it my best Left Eye and burn this muthafucking place down. (1 - for all the effort).

Goal #5: Did it but decided not to be Miley Cyrus (1).

Goal #6: See Seattle post (1). 

Goal #7: I was in Vancouver this past weekend and all I wanted to do was see a black bear in the live.  I packed my bags and drove up to Whistler.  The drive was postcard.  That's the only way I can describe it.  They have these bear hikes for $119, but I thought that was stupid since you can't really be guaranteed to see a bear.  I figured if I was to walk on the same trail, I would most likely see one as well.  No luck during our afternoon hike.  At night while drinking at the hotel bar, the bartender told us that on our drive back to Vancouver, if we look in the open meadows under the sun, we can see them as well.  No dice.  There were so many bear crossing signs and I couldn't see a single one.  Luckily,  I saw this cute little bear at the airport.  Well, there was also the one I saw at the Fiesta Cantina out in WeHo.  (1).

Goal #8: Buy boots?  Hmmm, I don't know that I need to give myself a zero for this.  I only had this goal because I was going to be wrecking ball Miley Cyrus for Halloween...

Goal #9: Let's put it this way...I put down two.  The first I came in as the back up offer and the second was accepted!  (1)

Goal #10: Going to an Adam Levine concert counts! (1)

7.93 out of 10.  That's actually not as bad as I thought it would be...

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