Monday, November 18, 2013

My LACMA Cherry Pop

I came in like a wrecking ball...

So the blogging has been limited this month given that almost all the goals are end of month oriented.  I did however go to the LACMA for the first time ever.  I mean, I've been by the Urban Light exhibit, but I never went in. 

I don't really care to discuss art.  I worked at an art school (my first real job out of college) and I had to deal with artsy folks and artsy type pre-college teens who find meaning in everything.  I see a picture of people walking around at the mall and I take it for face value, the artist sees mass commercialization in a society where we overspend.  I see a fruit basket painting and the artist sees contrasts and two focus points.  Now that's not to say I cannot talk about art, I'm just not pretentious enough to see a paint splash on white canvas and care to talk about it for 15 minutes about what a trendsetter the painter was.  For all I know, he spilled paint on a canvas and it made spotchie splots. 

I spent four hours at the museum using words like "juxtaposition" and "contrast."  And then used phrases like "you can really see the hurt in her eyes, she's frighten by the sight of the post-modern word."  Most often than not, I'm like "OMG, titties..."  I really want to take someone to a museum one day and just run up to a piece and go "OMG, this is my FAVORITE piece EVER!"  Go into a tangent about why and then in reality, it's really a rock. 

The best part of the exhibit other than the wrecking ball (see picture) was when everyone started going into this dark room behind a curtain.  You look up and all you saw was a reflection of a light.  A REFLECTION OF A LIGHT!  People were starring and really thinking about probably what I was thinking about.  WTF are we doing here and what is this supposed to be?!?  Yup, that was pretty much the course of the evening at the LACMA. 

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