Monday, October 14, 2013

An offer on my dream home

Barbie's Dream Home.  Mine is similar, but not!

I found my dream home last Tuesday.  It was one of those that I knew was the one and I was willing to put my savings account at 0 for.  It's super cute and in the Hollywood Hills.  It has that mix of big city, yet feeling like you are in the middle of nowhere because you're so secluded.  It's funny that type of environment is my flavor considering I grew up in Manhattan.  Then again, I went to college in the Hamptons, so we totally saw it coming.  I always said the Hamptons was like the quieter half-sister of Manhattan.  It's the same demographic of people anyways. 

After we finished viewing the place, my realtors asked me what I thought, I pretty much just told them I had to have it.  Which is weird too because I normally don't have to have anything.  I just told my realtor to do whatever it took to give it to me.  Needless to say, it's been a stressful week.

Tuesday - saw my dream home!
Wednesday - threw in my offer.  Offers were be taken until 5pm on Thursday, seller had until Friday at 5pm to respond back to me on my offer. 
Thursday - seller decides to go through with an open house on Sunday to see if he can get more offers!
Friday - seller throws out a counter offer to all bidders and I have until Monday to decide what to do with the offer.  I consulted a relator friend and he gave me some valuable advice in that since the seller is only countering with $3K more, I most likely have the highest offer.
Saturday - called my realtor and told her I was sticking with my offer and not a dollar more.
Sunday - Open House
Monday - it's a waiting game at this point.  Fingers crossed as I will find out if I will be a home owner!!!

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