Friday, March 1, 2013

February Recap

It was really hard to hustle in February as it was only 28 days.  It's almost impossible to tackle 10 goals in 28 days!  So here's where I ended.  And oh, the update on my Bachelor pool...I officially lost when Desiree got sent home.  I couldn't think of anything more shocking than the fact that Lindsay is still on the show.  I did better than last month.  I accomplished 8.32 out of 10.  Still an Asian F, but we live in America, so showing improvement is all that matters.  So here's the run down...

Goal 1: Okay, I only went four times this month, but give me a break!  I had to run a 10K this month, so I was training for that instead of actually stepping foot into the gym.  I also traveled home for President's Day Weekend, hurt my back, and lazy.  (.4 - a tenth of a point for each day I went).

Goal #2: Check for me.

Goal #3: Never will I attempt this goal again.  However, I really did like not drinking diet carbonated beverages.  So I guess from now on, I'll just use them as mixers.  Who really needs to drink 2 cans of diet coke a day anyways? 

Goal #4: The fact that the diploma frame has been sitting by my kitchen counter and the fact that it took me 23 days into February to do this just goes to show what a lazy POS I really can be at times.

Goal #5: Who am I to judge what my friends eat this month?  I had three donuts one day at work and I ate at Popeyes one weekend for lunch.  And then I supported my roommate's 11PM McDonald's run.  Kettle, meet pot.  I also pigged out on gelato at work thanks to Haagen-Dazs samples.  The point is, I supported all my friends this month in all the crap they decided to put in their mouths or at least I didn't say anything about it.

Goal #6: Let's put it this way, I've been REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY EXTREMELY blunt (vicious) this month to everyone I have talked to.  I mean like Regina George style.

Goal #7: Firecracker 10K in 55 minutes did not happen, but there were many reasons why.  The point is I ran it.  When was the last time you ran a 10K?  Yeah, I thought so.  (.75 points, just because).

Goal #8: Check plus!

Goal #9: FAILed.  I'm still going to give myself partial credit for it because I allegedly lasted a whole month in January and then an additional five days in we'll just divide 5 by 28 and say I earned .18 for this one.  

Goal #10: FAILed, kinda, but totally giving myself partial credit.  The intention of going home was there.  It's not my fault Nemo happened that weekend.  Chinese New Year is a 15 day celebration, so I went home while it was still happening.  Plus, I stood in 27 degree weather to watch a parade.  (.99 points because in my mind I totally went home for CNY).  

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