Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Movember November

I chose not to partake in Movember this year.  Mostly because I did it in the past and I get self-conscious when a 16 year old boy grows a better moe than I do.

This month has been a whirlwind trying to complete goals.  I bought a house and quickly started caring about things that I never used to care about (basically anything that has to do with interior design and kitchen appliances), I also turned 21 (+10) and found out what a bitch that was when I woke up on the morning of my birthday to back pains, there was also Thanksgivingkkah.  My November began with me being sequestered at work for the program that I run for the first week and then an immediate trip to Scottsdale for work after.  I don't think I was home for the first 10 days of November.  Oh, then there was this move from my old apartment where I didn't think I had a lot of stuff until the move happened and I realized I was a hoarder...

Goal #1: I couldn't quite get to 15 unless you count moving as an exercise.  Some can say it is, at least I can because my move involved running up and down the stairs due to the moving truck not being able to clear the over pass.  Thank god I hired movers!  I exercised 11 times this month, which is pretty darn good considering.  Can I count the batting cage to make it 12?  I sure there are calories burned while batting, or at least some type of core work out... (.733)

Goal #2: For the life of me, I do not know how Andre doesn't know how to twerk.  You would think that someone of his size and stature coupled with his splits on the dance floor would be the queen of twerking.  I tried showing him in Palm Springs last month and then this month we tried again during my birthday party.  I even sent him the Andrew Christian twerk tutorial.  Oh, here's the full length.  The guy doesn't just make underwear.  He still couldn't do it and cost me a point!  #twerkfail

Goal #3: I'm pretty sure outside of the bank incident and having to explain why Asians don't trust bank and keep loads of cash under their mattresses, it was a pretty easy escrow process.  I'm still not sure I know what an escrow is.  (1)

Goal #4: I'm pretty sure snowboarding was a previous goal and again I have failed in this venture.

Goal #5: Done, see post on LACMA. (1)

Goal #6: I couldn't even use a gift card!  Then again, it's not really swim season, so I don't really need any slutty bathing suits until like maybe March.

Goal #7: I slipped a little bit during MMM week at work.  There was soda catered with every meal and I slipped for the week.  I had diet coke, diet pepsi, and coke zero.  It was so good considering I haven't had it in months.  Alas, I quickly stopped after when it wasn't free. (1)

Goal #8: Flying home on Christmas morning...Blah (1)

Goal #9: I noticed myself getting soft around the stomach area as of late.  So I made a commitment to tightening it up without surgery.  I just started doing more work outs that included a lot of sweating and well, I stopped eating...(1)

Goal #10: My birthday party was awesome.  It was cheap.  It wasn't $1,500, it was $188.  I didn't wake up drunk in Rome (literally).  Thank you Aventine! (1)

I couldn't even muster up the strength to achieve 7 goals this month.  I must get my act together and finish strong for 2013.

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