Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year!

I really couldn't believe it's been a year since I gave myself 10 monthly goals to follow through with.  My apologies for the late recap as I was stuck in a polar vortex.  Okay, the real reason is that I was on holiday break and I don't really like to blog on my off-time.  So this will be my last re-cap before I re-design the blog to feature some other year long idea.  So one final re-cap and I'm going to keep it short.

Goal #1: Exercise 15 12 times.  So I missed it by three.  What can I say, December was a short month and I was not about to go running in the freezing cold in New York City along the East River or the West Side Highway.  (.8/1)

Goal #2: Schedule an ultrasound appointment.  I just did it today!  The woman on the other line said "this order was put in on November."  Yup, I was that lazy that it took me two months to pick up the phone to make an appointment.

Goal #3: There's no new sofa.

Goal #4: I butched up and installed my locks, turns out the deadbolt from the previous lock was too small for the new lock.  I need a power drill, a drill bit, and a lesbian.  Half credit for at least install the bottom lock. (.5/1)

Goal #5: My walls are not painted.  Choosing a shade of any color is more overwhelming than I thought.  Well played Sherwin-Williams.

Goal #6: DVDs organized (1)

Goal #7: Gain 3 healthy pounds?  That's debatable that any weight gain between Thanksgiving and Christmas is really healthy.

Goal #8: I even took down my tree before the 10th of January! (1)

Goal #9: I tried donating clothes to one of those bins and it was full.  Just the sheer fact that I attempted, and attempted to do so on Christmas Eve should get me half credit (.5/1)

Goal #10: No one got a wine bra this year for Christmas :(

Okay, so December was a total fail for me.  I only accomplished 3.8 out of 10 goals!  And some of them were so easy!  The fact that I ran out of steam towards the end would really explain why I'm not an Olympian.  I just don't want to work that hard.  On the bright side, I the one important lesson I learned during this year was that once you start something it does really stick to you.  I gave up soda one month and now I don't drink it anymore.  I stop doing Sunday Fundays for a month and now I stopped as well, although some will argue that it's because I'm old now. 

Happy New Year!